What is Testicular tumor? |
Testicular tumor occurs in the testicular, inside the scrotum. The scrotum is a loose bag of skin under the penis. Testicular function is produce male sex hormones, testosterone, and sperm for reproduction. Most of testicular tumors arise from the germ cells. Testicular germ cell tumor can be subdivided into seminoma and non-seminomatous germ cell tumor. Seminoma testicular tumor contains only seminoma cells which all age groups can get this type of tumor. Usually the men who do develop testicular tumor will probably have this type; it is less aggressive than non-seminomas and responds well to radiation therapy. Non-seminoma testicular tumor is containing may different tumor cells. It is tend to affect younger patients and will spread more rapidly than seminoma ones. The types of non-seminoma are Choriocarcinoma, Embryonal carcinoma, Teratoma and yolk sac tumor.

What are the risk factors for testicular tumor? |
Every cancer or tumor have different risk factor but some of the risk factor is same for many disease. Risk factor is possible risk that can cause the testicular tumor. There are several risk factor of testicular tumor:
- Abnormal testicular development
The person or men which condition such as Klinefelter’s syndrome, where the testicle does not develop normally, may increase a person’s risk of testicular tumor.
- Congenital abnormalities
It is increase the risk if the males born with abnormalities of the penis, kidneys or testicles.
- Family History
A male who has a close relative- sibling or father with testicular tumor is more likely to develop it himself compared to other men.
- Having had testicular tumor
If a male has had testicular tumor he is more likely to develop it in the other testicle, compared to a man who has never had testicular tumor.
- Mumps orchitis
This is uncommon complication of mumps in which one or both testicular become inflamed. This painful complication can also raise a male’s risk of developing testicular tumor later on.
- Race
Testicular tumor is more common among white males compared to men of African or Asian descent. Highest rate are found in Scandinavia, Germany and New Zealand.
- Undescended testicle
Testicular usually descend from the inside of the abdomen into the scrotum before a baby boy is born. If a testicle has not moved down when a male is born there is a greater risk that he will develop testicular tumor later on.
How is testicular tumor diagnosed? |
There are important to diagnose the disease to know what the disease is going on and how far it is. The people should not stay quite without any action. There are several how to diagnosed testicular tumor:
- Blood Test
Blood test is to measure the level of tumor marker. Tumor marker is substances which exist in higher than normal levels when tumor is present. Not all forms of testicular tumor produce these markers. Other than that, if level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human gonadotrophin (HCG), and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) are higher than normal it may suggest there is a testicular tumor.
- Ultra sound
Ultra sound uses high-frequency sound waves that bounce off internal organs and tissues. Then monitor will viewed picture from the processed echoes. An ultrasound of the scrotum will reveal the presence and also the size of the tumor. Other than that, the doctor will determine the nature of any lump, whether they are solid or filled with fluid, inside or outside the testicle.
- Biopsy
Biopsy is occur by take a small sample of tissue from the targeted area in the testicle and will examined under a microscope by a pathologies to determine whether the lump is malignant (cancerous) or benign(non-cancerous).
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